#02 The Inspirational Leaders Series: Alisa Arner, Microsoft

#02: Welcome to The Inspirational Leaders Series, a collection of short interviews with sharp, impactful leaders I know and respect—because the business world needs more refreshing people like them.

Meet Alisa Arner, Vice President of Channel Sales and Marketing, The Americas, at Microsoft. Often, people operating at her level in organizations build thick, impenetrable skins to get where they are. And yet, Alisa is consistently approachable, real, and caring—delightful evidence that you don’t have to lose your humanity to join executive ranks. If you follow her on LinkedIn, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Here’s a snapshot of how she thinks about leadership.


What matters most to you about leadership?

So many leaders think they need to have the spotlight – need to be the one in the room talking more.  What is most important to me about leadership is tapping into others light.  Allowing them to shine.  Listening more – being super curious and understanding people’s superpowers.  When you can do that, you build a team that can accomplish anything, not just driving business success but driving culture and people success which ripples across everything.     


What would you advise your younger self about leadership?

Build your leadership philosophy off your personal philosophy – the two need to be connected to really show up as your authentic self.  I didn’t get that earlier in my career – I was probably imitating others style.  Spend time getting to know yourself, lead from that space.  You will have great success and be much happier doing what you love.   


What have you learned about inspiring teams to do exceptional work?

All people want to do well.  No one shows up day after day wanting to do bad work.  Going deep and understanding people, what motivates them – ask questions and create a space where everyone can do their best work.  That looks different for people – when you understand more you can create that space for individuals and teams.   As a leader it is critical to create clarity on what the goals are and how you personally will help them reach those goals. 

Alisa and her sweet pup, Baker.